Carol Weekes offers three tips for the price of one!
1. Create a writing space: Although writers can and do write anywhere in order to get the word down, having your own space with all necessary materials puts one into the mindset to write. When you're there, you write, rewrite, edit, muse, etc. Make it special, make it your own. Decorate it to inspire you. Ensure it has good light, enough room to spread out papers, notes, etc. and to contain any necessary reference materials, as well as your computer.
2. On getting published: Get enough material out there and keep it circulating. If something gets rejected, note if you receive a few similar comments on a rejected piece - if so, consider a rewrite. If the rejections are form types, and you know you've done your best work, keep sending the piece out again and again until you 'hit home' with an acceptance. Some pieces take longer to sell than others. Persevere. Perfect your craft. Then submit, submit, submit. Learn to take criticism towards strengthening your craft; don't take anything personally. Believe in yourself - eventually, if the writing is good, you will break through.
3. Try collaborating with another writer on a piece from time to time; it can be fun if the 'synergy' between your styles is there. It allows two people to take turns submitting the piece. It allows for any discussion of a rejection, and is doubly exciting when the piece sells. It provides insight into how another writer works and develops an idea.
Carol has a blog at